3D-skinmed represents a new Generation of non-surgical, non-invasive procedures for the face that utilizes the science of Ultrasound (HIFU) and Radio Frequency and the body’s natural healing process to lift, tone and tighten loose skin. The treatment is natural with no downtime and delivers noticeable results. Results may vary for individuals, however, we are here to help you achieve your treatment goals using the very latest 3D technologies.


HIFU-High Intensity Focused Ultrasound also known as ‘3D SkinMed’, ‘Ultrasound Facelift’ or ‘Ultherapy’ has become one of the most sought after lifting treatments for the face and neck. 3D SkinMed is a one-off treatment that will help you achieve tighter, firmer, lifted skin.

The key advantages of this treatment are:

  • Stimulates natural collagen production
  • No cuts to the skin
  • No recovery time from surgery
  • Noticeable results after one treatment

One session of 3D SkinMed will deliver visible effects in lifting and tightening. It will also create new collagen which will help your skin maintain its youthful glow. Individually it targets brow, jowl and neck lifting, as well as overall skin tightening and rejuvenation. You will see a noticeable improvement in facial contouring, fine lines and wrinkles.

Skinmed Comsultation


45 mins


HIFU Full face and neck


180 mins

HIFU Full face


160 mins

HIFU Jowl and Neck


150 mins

HIFU Eyes and Forehead


90 Mins


One of the most effective cosmetic treatments to help rebuild and remodel skin treatment for smoother, brighter, and more youthful skin. The Dermaroller is specifically designed to improve the appearance of skin with wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars and sun damage. This treatment creates a wound healing response to stimulate new collagen fibres also creating channels through which any products applied can be absorbed better and deeper into the skin, for best results combined this with our personalised serums and impact treatment for the deepest penetration of products.

Single treatment


75 mins

Course of 3 (minimum recommended)


105 mins


This treatment has all the benefits of the above treatment but also includes RF skin tightening RF stands for ‘radio frequency, it is ideal for clients who want tighter facial skin. During this procedure, targeted radio frequencies are used to heat beneath the skin, breaking down depleted collagen and creating a firmer, more youthful look. The radiofrequency treatment will tighten the skin and reduce the signs of ageing.

Single treatment


75 Mins

Course of 3(minimum recommended )
